10th Edition Escalation League
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10th Edition Escalation League Commencing Soon!
Tuesday August 1st, we will be kicking off our 10th edition escalation league!
Everyone who participates will be entered in a drawing for a grand prize giveaway: the GW Combat Patrol of their choice!
We will also be offering store gift cards for the following accomplishments:
-The participant who plays in the most store games
-The participant whose photo gets the most reactions via social media or discord.
Here’s how it works:
Players will receive league points for accomplishing weekly goals. The more goals you accomplish through the course of the league, the more times you will be entered for the grand prize drawing at the leagues conclusion. Here’s the list of weekly goals and the number of league points you get for completing them:
1. Check in on the Gamescape North escalation-league discord channel. To check in just let us know you’ll be participating by posting what game and what army you’ll be participating with. | (50 lpts) |
2. Complete 150 points for your army. Tabletop ready! | (25 lpts) |
3. Join us for the in-store open play for your game. Check the schedule store open play days and tournament schedules. | (25 lpts) |
4. Support the store! Get league points for buying your models and hobby supplies from us rather than online. | (15 lpts) |
5. Post a pic of your completed minis. You can post on the discord or social media but be sure to tag the store if you post on social media! Points are only awarded for unique pics so you won’t get 50 league points for posting five pictures of the same completed mini. | (10 lpts) |
Everyone is encouraged to participate as much as they are able. Every 50 League Points you collect equals one entry for the free Combat Patrol box!
On Tuesday, August 1st we’ll be having an introductory league night. If you’re interested in participating in our summer escalation league, please drop by, introduce yourself, grab a game or hang out and paint. We will be setting up extra tables for people who want to hang out and get a head start painting their 150 points for the week.
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